Celebrating My $100K Milestone

I just came back from a weekend trip with the family to San Diego. We got to enjoy Sea World and ate some comforting food with relatives I haven’t seen in a long time. It felt good. I treated myself to a video game binge this past week. I played God of War original and it’s recently released sequel, Ragnarok. I got to enjoy them all fully because I reached a milestone and the skies are looking clear for 2023. My new product is in stock and I’m now just working on marketing and advertising. I’m cleaning up my inventory to decrease my personal labor and time input into my business and freeing up my time. My final shackles still give me anxiety. The two jobs I currently hold. My goal is to free myself from those shackles and leave myself free of time to pursue my life. Reaching one-hundred thousand in sales was not easy. I learned how difficult it can be to try and create a product and sell it with no marketing budget. My initial products had to sell themselves basically. I do believe luck served a purpose in the journey but I believe what was most important was to just keep going. Even when my sales were dismal, I continued to think and try new products to sell. Until finally I settled on a handful that makes me enough profit to live off of should I choose to do so. I decided to attack my debt problem with this triple income in the coming year. I hope to dispose myself of this debt by the end of next year. Once I do, I’ll be free to leave my job at any time. I would like to increase my business’ income by another $100k to solidify the lifestyle I presently enjoy. I realize I don’t need much and most of what I spend is usually to share experiences with my partner and our kids. I want to finally let my bank account grow and not continue being spent every single paycheck. I’d like to see some coins left in my purse after I fulfill all of my basic needs. This is a simple joy I’ve long since forgotten. The simplicity of growing up in poverty to be renewed in my years of wisdom and grace. I am continuing my commitment to my diet and body to ensure it maintains its potential for what will become the best years of my life. I used to think that my twenties were it. But no. That’s just the immature, drug-fueled illusion of joy. I only caught a glimpse of what was possible. It is my responsibility to take what I learned and create a genuine peace in all aspects of mind, body, and soul. I want to get out of my own head and into the world. I want to fear with genuine excitement. I want to feel all the emotions that a human can experience. Money will give me time. Time is what I’m fighting for. It’s what we’re all fighting for and what we’ve rented out to others in exchange for meager amounts of money. Store your time wisely. Use it wisely.

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