Hello world. My name is Andrew Le. By day, I am a registered nurse. By night, I create new products and write about my experiences trying to sell them. Like many young men who choose to go into nursing, I recognized early on that it was not a field I really enjoyed. There were enjoyable moments, don’t get me wrong, but it is a system that I don’t enjoy renting my time and chaining my freedom to. They exploit the fact that I need that job to survive a larger system that is designed to make us fail. I have this gnawing perpetual anxiety and fear that I will be doing this work for over thirty years and die with the best inside of me. That fear is real. It’s part of the reason why I remained anonymous for this blog for the last seven months. I was afraid of what people would think and I wanted to hide behind it. I was afraid that I would fail in leaving my job and making enough in my business to meet my monthly expenses. I had to build myself up over the years. One day at a time. Building a grain of confidence with the smallest of achievements. Metrics that I thought represented success. But now I realize success is the journey and not the destination. That life is always in flux. The simple fact is that I want to live life on my own terms. That vision requires income from more than once source. This is not a career change. It is a life change. I want to show you that it is possible for you too.