Fifth Dimension Entrepreneurship

I watched Men in Black 3 last night on Netflix and there was a character I had completely forgotten but fell in love with again. The character’s name was Griffin and he was a fifth-dimensional being that saw all possible realities simultaneously. It was comical because his immersion in these other timelines distracted him from the one he was currently in. These are the dreamers of humanity. It made me think about the fifth dimension’s relationship with entrepreneurship and its similarities.

I enjoyed a dialogue where Griffin discusses all the elements that had to fall into place for something miraculous to occur. If we as humans had the potential to understand the infinite possibilities of our being here in this very moment, then I think we would appreciate it a whole lot more. Each and every one of us is a genuine miracle. Sometimes I feel I am plagued by bad luck or circumstance. The truth is that there is always another timeline where I did something different that led to a different outcome. The choices I make are moment to moment and I can only make decisions with my two human gifts: mind and emotion. 

Sometimes I make a logical decision based on sound thinking. This is where the planning mind comes in. If I follow this plan, then I am guaranteed this result (barring some unforeseen disaster which is a universal law of life). I find this to be a robotic, program-like task that definitely pays off. However, this method doesn’t suit humans very well and requires an enormous amount of mental fortitude to overcome the incredible force of our emotions. Like the forces of nature, the emotions can shape our entire world and universe.

Sometimes I make an emotional decision based on intuition. There are times where things feel right and times where it feels wrong. This inherent intuition is what makes us human and it’s what I believe has guided behavior and choice for a very long time. I think humans have recently started to understand the power of the mind and cultivate that as an opposing force. I think it does separate us from animals. However, the majority of humans are still animals even to this day. But people are waking up and we call them entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs use both mind and emotion as they move toward their goal. By harnessing the powers of both, they have an ability to access higher-dimensional thinking and see things and all the possible realities that can occur. What separates them from animals, is that they are choosing their path. By controlling where the timeline goes, they can set themselves up for success in the future. Think about it. How did Jeff Bezos position himself as an internet bookstore? He saw an astronomical increase of people that accessed the internet. He saw a new world where people browse virtual spaces and expanded his thinking and plans to include selling merchandise and revolutionized ecommerce. The Amazon giant grew into a logistical empire where you can have items delivered within one day. Pretty soon the deliveries will be within one hour. That’s the power of thinking from a higher dimension. It’s seeing where cryptocurrency is going and how it will effect our lives. The ones who are building the world are doing it now, many years in advance. When the time is right, their business will explode into the next Amazon or meta-millionaire. 

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