The Physiological, Psychological, and Spiritual Prerequisites of Success: Mind

“There is a war going on, the battlefield’s in the mind, and the prize is the soul.” -The artist formerly known as Prince.

The mind is a flawless, brilliant diamond. It possesses so many facets where the light illuminates in stunning flashes of prismatic elegance. Given that the mind is such a broad topic with infinite possibilities, I will guide you toward a specific focus as it relates to the body and soul. The first user manual I ever read for the mind was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You don’t see the same depth of knowledge and understanding about the subtle connection between the intellectual and emotional in writing today. There has been a generational paradigm shift in the sum of all human knowledge becoming instantly available via the internet. Little did we know that this revolutionary invention would make actually us dumber. The problem is the amount of information available causes us to lose the ability to discern truth from fiction. This warps our perception in a way that we become vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion. We become trapped in the infinite loop of validating non original thoughts by attempting to regurgitate the mental hernia of details stolen from first page google searches. Citing peer-reviewed academic works that use imperfect data with narrow focuses and extracting a quote out of context is becoming more like tribe mentality enforcement of truth by groups that spent more time acquiring credentials and accolades than actually thinking. It’s not completely their fault because the depth and range of their thinking was pruned and groomed in the endless academic hoops that shrink the higher they attempt to go until their focus is so small and narrow they lose sight of the real world. But there is hope in the few thought leaders that admits to having to unlearn what the institutions have taught them. By doing so, they assume all the risks associated with going against the tribe including the Information Age shunning via cancel culture in socialist media. I recall Ray Dalio’s Principles and in a paraphrase he said “You decide what is true.” It is because it is our beliefs that define our reality and if you do not decide what you believe, then others will decide for you.

I’ve read many books and listened even more audiobooks that share the same story about Roger Bannister and breaking the 4-minute mile barrier. I call it the “Bannister Barrier” phenomenon by which a new belief about what is possible enters through the minds of the collective consciousness. Few instances has been as evident and measurable as his story. I believe it is for the indisputable metric by something as concrete as time is what finally convinced people that it doesn’t matter if you can or you can’t, either way you’re probably right. In the last post we talked my limiting belief and being able to break through mental barriers. It is because of these mental barriers that make the self-help market so popular. So many people are vaguely aware that there is something holding them back. Some invisible force that prevents you from crossing over to the next stage. I can tell you now, it’s all in your head. I believe everyone must go through this process I call the ‘master mind journey’. It is a process similar to Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People where internal victories precede external ones. You have to become a master of the mind. “Do or do not, there is no try” -Yoda.

I’m going to tell you a secret of the universe, the pinnacle of all knowledge. Naturally, it’s the Occam’s razor or simplest truths that seem to be visible to all but somehow go on unnoticed. It is in the obvious that provides the best camouflage in the battle against censorship. Are you ready? The secret is: Any law or principle that exists within a particular field or specialty will also apply to every other nuance of reality that we can perceive. Let me explain. Let’s take the human body for example and the study of medicine. Before medicine became the corporation it is today, we had healers that understood the truth about healing. Many books written only half a century ago would often write that the only thing wrong with a lot of patients is their own thoughts. Their cure? The Almighty Lord and the bible. They prescribed bible verses, prayer, and time in nature to help the patients direct their thoughts toward the positive and healing energy of their minds. This process is used to disrupt the pattern of their negative thoughts so they can heal. The problem we have today is that we separated the body from the mind from the soul. This is done because most people lack the mastery required to heal someone holistically and it’s easier, and more profitable, to treat them individually when they are indeed One. By breaking them up it helps us organize them into digestible pieces so we specialize and focus on one problem at a time. It fits our social systems better. Another way of viewing this is that it helps us understand ourselves at a lower dimension or risk overloading our physical brains by prematurely tapping into the infinite glory of God by trying to understand all things at once. This should be done as a slow process with time and experience. I can confidently say, that humanity has learned almost everything there is know about the human body. If you don’t believe me then just look at the number of medical specialties. In academia and medicine, we call them doctors as a credibility indicator. People who have spent their a majority of their live’s mastering a single subject. Once they’ve reached the pinnacle of their discipline, a secret exam takes place to separate the enlightened. The ones who pass the secret exam leave with a boon of wisdom that there is a relationship that crosses all aspects of their respective fields. They recognize the interconnectedness of everything they learned and how it relates to everything else. They tend to develop a habit of using their discipline’s concepts as examples that apply to a myriad of real world situations. Most importantly, they develop the ability to simplify their wisdom into the smallest and simplest form possible as their gift to humanity. When you follow true wisdom with faith, you are saved from the all hardship of the person that walked that path before you. This allows humans to save time and progress the path of knowledge and wisdom further.

Question time. Let’s assume that we understand the basic pathophysiology of the body. We know that stress can cause a depressed immune response which can lead to a pathogen taking advantage of this weakness and cause sickness. Cause and effect. We can see the sequelae that occurs from minor stress all the way to terminal cancer and worse. How can we apply those principles and laws we know about the body to the mind? Does the mind not also consume good or bad food through the type of input you feed it? Can you binge your mind with metaphorical candy and soda when you snack on mindless youtube, socialist media, and netflix? Is it possible that the mind can become lazy and fat through lack of stimulation and unfulfilling repetition? Can the mind’s immune system be weakened from being exposed to excessive negativity and hopelessness? Does mental illness manifest early symptoms in the attitude? Can the mind be infected with fear to the point it becomes systemic and throws the normal organic processes of thought into chaos and disorganized speech? Does an infection of the mind continue to feed itself by forcing the host to focus their attention on input that makes the fear grow? All good questions. I’ve speculated on this belief and have come to the conclusion that if the pathophysiology concepts can occur to the mind, then there are equivalent ways to counteract it. 

We can cure our minds and our thoughts by feeding it the pure, the good, the kind, and the holy. Filling our input with words of positive reinforcement can reverse the hardening of the attitude. Even better, we can proactively use these principles before we become vulnerable to a psychic attack and raise our mental abilities and master our minds. This reminds me of Jim Kwik’s Limitless where he describes techniques people use in memory competitions and how this skill can be applied business and has advantages in networking. By applying laws and principles for the body to the mind, we are simply translating the physical treatment idea into the metaphysical and quantum equivalents for the mind. For example, if we can send vibrations through the air with our cellphone and communicate thereby transmitting thought, then some form of telepathy is also real. If our bodies can move through the physical world, our minds must also be able to travel into the mental world. For example, we sometimes go into “tunnel vision” but in reality it is the mind traveling through the neural pathways and accessing specific data you’ve stored like Ben Stiller in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. If we electric signals as data through the internet and the cloud, does these principles not also exist in the structure of the brain and mind?

I’ve noticed that the greatest representation of this universal truth have been applied to math more than any other subject. It’s because humanity has pursued math to a limitless level of mastery. We have taken lengths to master this subject more than any other and it is why we can see from the peak of mathematics how it relates to everything in the universe, seen or unseen. You can write a formula for any phenomena including behavior. There are algorithms in place right now calculating the trajectory of civilization so when we arrive, there’ll be a perfect product waiting for us. By understanding the mind, you develop the potential to master anything you desire. You must find what it is that you are meant for. I am not a genius in the traditional sense. I am, however, a genius at connecting strange ideas. I consider it a gift and a curse. My partner has affectionately let me know that I am known to be strange and bizarre according our acquaintances. I find this hilarious and take advantage of this perception to avoid awkward conversations by feigning aloofness. I do find that friends typically find it difficult to follow my train of thought in conversation and I become blatantly listless during small talk. My best efforts at being cordial generally come off as sarcastically insincere. I’ve accepted the fact that I am a little “out there.” But I do love connecting and combining ideas, breaking them apart, infuse them with ones from another speciality and come up with more interesting combinations. I finally recognized the value in it all and I admit that I have been very selfish with my gift and using it to entertain my inner world for the better part of my life. A couple years ago I experienced a dark moment of crisis and I looked to God for help and prayed. I’ve never really prayed before, not like that, with your entire existence in the balance. I think there’s a great depth to prayer that I’ve only scratched the surface of. It didn’t occur to me that perhaps I’ve been doing it wrong despite being raised in the Catholic faith. Contrary to the common belief that God speaks  to you, I didn’t directly hear His voice. Instead, I was just suddenly filled with understanding. The feeling was similar to Neo uploading the kung-fu program directly to his brain inThe Matrix. I was given some instructions and it took me a couple years to make good on my promise in exchange for my miracle. It is part of the reason this blog was started. He asked me to write about my story in order to save those that have shared the same abyss I experienced. The emotional bowels of depravity from a complete mental fracture taking the form of spiritual torture that made death seem like a mercy. If you would like me to go in more depth about this in a post, let me know in the comments below.

In conclusion, the Pareto-level wisdom here is to feed your mind positive input. You can decide on your own what makes you feel good and hopeful. Find something that increases your confidence, there’s something out there for everyone. Many entrepreneurs spend an excessive amount of money for “the best” in such and such field to help heal them but I think these healers are cleverly peppered everywhere in the world and you’d just need to pray and keep your heart open for omens. I particularly enjoyed the seasoning of Norman Vincent Peale’s Power of Positive Thinking. The audiobook has a narrator that is especially skilled in the inflection of a caring soul, properly embodying the author’s deeper messages. One word of advice is if you have a friend that gives you recommendations on a book, that is usually a pretty good omen of the information you need right now. Also a friend that gives you books is a friend for life so treat them well. They have an interest in expanding your mind and are looking for people to share a deeper connection with. Together you can discover all the other secrets of the universe. Stay tuned every Monday & Thursday at 11:00am pst for the final piece of this three part series: the Soul. 

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