This blog separates post into three topics: money, body, and relationships. It seems like that most of the new year’s resolutions above relate to each of those topics. I discovered that maintaining a balance of each is important. I also discovered that life is unpredictable so sometimes one must be given priority over the others. The secret is to not get lost in one for too long. I know that this blog is about the goal of earning more than a doctor, but I must not completely abandon my health or relationships to do so. What’s the point of being rich if I’m too sick or lonely to enjoy it? I’ve been working on each part of the triad through my habit refinement and small bite-sized steps toward those goals. Nothing’s really changed for this year except paying off debts. I really want it. I may have to sacrifice some relationships in order to get it. I don’t mean destroying relationships either. I mean I may have to lay low and decline plans that cost a lot of money. I will do it for as long as I am able. Eventually my spirit becomes so colorless that I’m possessed to live a little and that’s ok too. I’m curious about what your resolutions are. Leave them in the comments below. Keep hustling.